Wednesday, June 17, 2015


..Introducing Yevo International
The Company getting the attention of Celebrity Physician's, Athlete's,Public Officials, Scientists, Leading Nutritionists and Business Executives!


 Excerpted from Mr. Marsland's speech at the REVEAL event on Nov 15, 2014

Chip Marsland is a protein, nutrition and food scientist with nearly 30 years of industry experience. He started in the bio-pharmaceutical industry and transitioned into the food via proteins and advanced materials. Through those years, he made many discoveries and developed many new technologies receiving over 50 patents worldwide while creating a number of companies. In one of the companies he started in the 90’s, Beta Foods, he created a whole new platform of nutritional snack foods that have been with companies such as Whole Foods, GNC, ETY, Optimum nutrition and a lot of household names. His products were sold in 24 countries. His company did hundreds of millions of dollars in sales worldwide per year and then in 2003-2004, his life changed. He was on a very fast track. Protein was everything to him. He was very involved in sports and nutrition industry, with diabetes and with weight loss.

In 2003, his mother was diagnosed with a rare complicated neurological disease. Doctors told him it was a guaranteed death and he had a 50% chance if having it himself due to genetics. That one statement changed him forever. His background was chemical engineering and industrial engineering with numerous degrees. He was not a neurochemist but he decided he had to dive into neurochemistry because of genetics. Being in the nutrition industry and in the pharmaceutical industry, it was something he had to do. So his focus went into an area in which he was completely new to but decided to pioneer, technological biochemistry.

He learned something very important: that we are our mothers. Most do not understand we are all essentially the same exact genetic makeup as our mothers, not our fathers. And so what we get is going to come straight through our maternal line. He was 34 years old at the time and they told him he would probably be dead at age 50. So he dove in and learned as much as he could possibly do about dementia, Alzheimer’s and other neurological diseases. His mother's case was a rare combination. It was a disease called CBGD, a combination of Alzheimer’s, Parkinson's and cerebral palsy and it was a pretty intense thing so he dove into the genetics of it. He dove into the causes of these diseases. He was in the nutrition industry and had no idea that these diseases were food related. And what was most interesting to him was that they were avoidable.

With this discovery, he sold his company and teamed up with a friend of his, Dr. Barry Sears, who had written a very popular book, The Zone. He became president of Dr. Sears’ company and made it his goal to be the one of the most recognizable diet programs worldwide. It was based on something that he appreciated at the time, a fairly neutral philosophy and it was logical. It wasn't based on an extreme. It showed great results especially in inflammation reduction and blood-sugar control. Blood-sugar has direct ramification on the health of our brain as well as in our whole system. He created hundreds of products and built plants worldwide. He became top of the class over the course of about 8 years and became ranked 5 in consumer reports as one of the top of the industry.

As he advanced the diet and the portfolio and the science behind it, he realized, there was much more to nutrition that has a control parameter. And to him, as great the Zone was, it wasn't everything. So he looked deeper and discovered through his work that the ingredients were awful. First, he was trying to preserve foods that contained moisture. When foods have water in them they must have preservatives because part of the job of the food industry is to make sure foods don't go bad. Therefore they actually do all sorts of things with foods: primarily, they kill the foods.

He realized that he was running a very popular worldwide food company and everything he was doing was wrong. His nutritional profiles were right but everything inside the food was wrong. And so he decided wet food is absolutely the wrong approach because first, you have to actually kill the nutrients to be able to make the product to be able to stay on the shelf. So every time you walk into a grocery store and you see something that contains
moisture, just know that's probably a dead food. From this realization, he decided to dive deeper.

He studied and used his experience to conclude conventional food processing was the death of everything. It was not just the death of his Zone foods but the death of every processed food in every grocery store. A good example of a dead food is Campbell soup, a VERY dead food. It's processed at high temperatures and there's absolutely nothing in it that's going to do anything for the human body. That's just one example.

So for him, a guy ranked by consumer reports for nutrition and diet, he wasn't doing it right. He missed it. So what he did was study more. He knew all modern food lacked nutrients, not just protein, but they lacked something even more important. They lacked essential nutrients. This is the key element of life. And when you really look at
diet, what are we missing? It really came down to the fundamentals because we're all humans. You see, it was
logical to kill foods.

Over the years, as society became focused on taste and shelf life, it didn't become focused on what humans really needed. It became focused on taste. Shelf life was dictated by the grocery stores and by the food industry. The only reason for shelf life is the need to transport things from Chicago, Midwest, East Coast, Overseas; wherever we're going. Many people don’t know many products are processed in Indonesia, shipped over here to the states. Pepperidge farm is a good example. Most of Pepperidge Farm cookies are made in Indonesia. It's shipped all the way over here. So you have to have extremely long shelf life to actually get to the markets.

He kept going, digging deeper and discovered foods aren't just being made for shelf life, they were being made with addictive qualities. The processes that they were made through not only killed them but created addiction for them. He wanted to know when this all began. He looked back to the beginning of the processed food processed food industry.

What he learned is that in 1911,this really is the pivotal point, hydrogenated oils were invented. Before 1911, we were using things that weren't shelf stable; water, tallow and animal fat. A company, Procter and Gamble, created something innovative at the time, Crisco. If you go to their website, you'll find the whole timeline on this. They're very proud of it. Crisco was invented in 1912. That single invention eliminated the use of every day products such as water and tallow and also eliminated all the short-shelf life products.

All of a sudden, it allowed the creation of a whole new realm of foods known as stable foods. Then came the Oreo cookie.  That center that everyone loves so much is Crisco and Sugar! And because of Crisco, we actually had other inventions that came along the line too. Invented shortly thereafter, Twinkies came along. But this was
just the beginning. This is just a few but there's so many more if you look back over time. Back then, in this time frame, our phones were giant wooden telephones and we drove horse carriages. Our food industry has not advanced since then. Our food industry is actually still in that early 1900’s time frame. We still use the same exact technologies then, same exact ingredients; only we've gotten worse. And so his research mainly made him dive even deeper and what he realized is that this invention of hydrogenated oils changed food forever.

Something even worse happened during the war.  In World War II, the US government had to actually feed the troops. Troops weren't eating the food because it was awful. It was slop. The terminology slop comes from the military back then. To solve the problem, US government decided to finance a whole research program on neurochemistry called the bliss point. The bliss point is a very important discovery because it concluded that the right amount of sugar, the right amount of salt and the right amount of fat made food  highly appealing and addictive. It boosts the dopamine levels in your brain, creating an imprint on your brain that actually makes you want to have more. That's exactly the same thing that happens with cocaine. And guess what? It worked really well.

The food industry got a hold of this during the 60's and financed endless amounts of research on it. Consequently that bliss point formula is used every day in processed foods.  It's gotten to the point where, now, they're actually putting the bliss point formula into baby food so you can be imprinted at a very young age and you continue your life remembering those foods as a child. Commercial yogurts are a prime example of bliss point. They are loaded
with fats, sugar and salt in the perfect proportion. That's why we're loading up on yogurts. It doesn't taste good unless it's loaded with lots of sugar. We become addicted!

There are thousands of what we call non-foods on the supermarket shelves – all addictive and all destructive to the body. You’ve got things like Fruit Rollup as an example. We don't even know what a fruit rollup is but it's really not a food.  You think cereals are good food? Cereals are awful. Look at things like Lucky Charms. We don’t know if this is food or what this is because we can't figure it out.

The key here is that foods became highly addictive due to this bliss point. But the other thing that he realized is that they lack everything we need as humans. They have no nutrients. They're nutrient void. And his conclusion is that the food industry and its philosophies are the single cause of fast human death. The consequences are far greater than we even realized because we have been struck by things that used to be called malnutrition. Now they have a new name. Our new nomenclature today is chronic disease. Everybody has heard of chronic disease. It's something more than malnutrition and our bodies suffer the same consequences. It's no different. So let’s get into this. One of the most important things to understand is why we eat food.

The human body is actually made up of 37 trillion cells. That's a lot of cells. And within those cells, we have this other little, tiny organelle called mitochondria. And we have over 100,000 trillion mitochondria. Now, mitochondria are why we eat food.

When we eat something very nourishing, such as YEVO oatmeal, it goes into our system. The body processes it and sends the nutrients (remember, YEVO is filled with nutrients) throughout the body and good things happen. But when we start looking at what happens, the nutrients start being transferred into the cellular system and they get absorbed into the mitochondrial system.  There, balance and energy is created.

But when we eat other things that are actually termed non-foods like Crisco and Oreos and Fruit Loops, we have a whole different reaction. The body starts going into chaos. You don't know it but it's actually happening every single time you consume a non-food product. And the reason is that nutrient-less food actually causes very negative reactions. The mitochondria go into a complete chaotic cycle. They don't know what to do. There's a whole imbalance. But when we go a little bit deeper, we see this chaos has a profound effect on our lives. People who live with balance versus people who live out of balance - there's a difference in life. What he was really fascinated by is that our cells are not programmed to die. We kill them!

We eat these non-foods. We put them into our system. Some of these ingredients that we consume everyday actually penetrate our mucous membrane lining in our gastro-intestinal system. We start eating bliss point sugar, fat and salt. It penetrates and creates holes in our lining. There are very small cells down there. They are very susceptible to death. The entry of this bliss point non-food creates holes in the system. Think about the proximity of your stomach - your gastro-intestinal system - to your other organs. It's very close to our hearts. It's very close to all our organs. The impact is great. The impact affects every component of our body. It affects our neurological system. It affects our cardiovascular system. It affects our pancreatic system. When we go deep, not just our gastrointestinal but our hormonal system-- all of it is impacted. All of this is avoidable. And it's all through something so simplistic and so logical and so human, it's just called essential nutrients and The World Health Organization and The Institute of Medicine released a report confirming that our body needs 43 essential nutrients to sustain life and we found out other incredible benefits from these essential nutrients. They're called essential for a very good reason – they are essential for fighting off disease to heal, for focusing to function fully, for growth to sustain life and 5yto live healthier so we'll stick around longer to enjoy it. Every meal that Yevo has made available has these 43 essential nutrients. Not just a scientific breakthrough, but more like a miracles to heal our planet one healthy meal at a time and rescue our future generation.

How do we get nutrient dense food?  Simply by eating food from YEVO INTERNATIONAL. Just 2 servings twice every day allows one to have the 43 essential nutrients that our body needs to sustain life and live healthier and longer! Plus we have delicious  COOKING SAUCES, SOUPS, BRAIN SHAKES, VITAMIN COFFEE, GREEN AND Black Tea.

If you want more information go to my website that Yevo gave me when I joined the mission to save the next generation:

For a list of topics on other health topics and to see our team (The Executive Board ) spearheading this nutritious company into the 21st century along with other reasons to be apart of one of the talked about nutrition companies of tomorrow.

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